Representatives from International Partner Institution Zhejiang Chinese Medical University Announce Scholarship for Dual Admission Program Students and Give Special Lecture

Toyo Medical College has established a dual admission system in the Acupuncturist and Moxibustionist Department with Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, an overseas partner institution located in China. Zhejiang will recognize the classes that students take at Toyo and award credits at the university.


Under the new system, students from Toyo will be able to travel to China upon graduation and receive a further two years of specialized education in the university’s Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department after first studying Chinese for six months. At the end of the program, students will be awarded a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Medical Acupuncture and Moxibustion.


Two professors from the International Studies Department at Zhejiang came to Japan and conducted an information session on the dual entrance system for first and second-year students. They talked about the university’s wish to welcome many international students, among other topics.


Zhejiang Chinese Medical University is a prestigious medical university in China. So far 28 graduates from Toyo have continued their studies at Zhejiang. Three of the most recent graduates to study there are currently working toward their bachelor degrees.


Students will be eligible to take 30 national examinations in China after obtaining a bachelor’s degree and accumulating a year of clinical experience. Some graduates from Toyo have passed these examinations and become outstanding practitioners of Chinese medicine while other graduates have gone on to obtain a master’s degree or doctorate after receiving their bachelor’s degree.


At the information session, the representatives from Zhejiang recognized the achievements of the international students who came from Toyo and announced that the school would fully fund two and a half years of tuition as a scholarship for prospective students who enrolled in Toyo in 2018 (currently second year students).